Web Hosting

Why Host with KSMhost? We offer loads of disk space, bandwidth and features at an incredible discount. e Use Our Own Hardware & Proprietary Software All of our servers are company-owned and operated.

Why Host with KSMhost?

1. Best Value For Your Money We offer loads of disk space, bandwidth and features at an incredible discount.

2. We Use Our Own Hardware & Proprietary Software All of our servers are company-owned and operated. Most Web hosting companies are just resellers relying on other people's equipment. We pride ourselves in using proprietary software. Our whole infrastructure was built from the ground up by our team of experienced developers.

3. Friendly Technical Support

4. Upgrades Our development team is continuously upgrading our systems with the latest technology, creating new tools and features to make your Web presence as easily maintainable and reliable as possible.

Coming from another host?

We know how difficult it can be moving to another web host. That is why we

will handle the entire process for you.

* - Free Domain Pointing

* - Free File Transfers

* - Free Database Transfers

* - Free Script Transfers

And the most interesting - we give you free hosting for the paid months left on your old hosting (up to 8 months)! Just contact us and get all advantages!


System Requirements:

Other, Unix, Linux, Java



Last updated:

2010-05-06 11:49:44


Oksima Plus s.r.o.



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