UBS Inventory Software

UBS Inventory & Billing makes stock control easier by putting the control back into your hands. It provides you with the flexibility to handle all types of inventory transactions and have instant updates and inventory status at your finger tips.


1. Wizard Setup

a. Available during initial setup.

Serves as a quick start to new users in getting started with the system.

Provides a step-by-step guide to set up necessary data in the system.

Reduces the steps required to go through different menu paths in order to get all the required set up in place.

b. User Interface

Quick access to process flow.

Task flows are displayed on the new dashboard.

You can choose to execute tasks by clicking on the process flow button to access the entry screen directly.

Quick access helps to speed up access.

Useful for new users who are not familiar with the system.

Quick access process flows are grouped by the following sections:-

c. Enhanced Features

Excel® Add-On

1. This feature has been enhanced to work directly from Excel® itself. No setting or configuration required - it is as simple as a clicking on the "Add-Ins" menu in Excel®. You can start your analysis with the following data: - Customer Profile, Supplier Profile, Item, Location

2. SMS

1. This feature is enhanced to provide more flexibility:- Search on Customers, Suppliers and Phone Numbers for easy selection of recipients, Message Content text field box available for user to create own message for sending out, More choices available in Content Type

2. Option to alert customer immediately when these documents are prepared:- Delivery Order

3. Licensing

Alternative method provided to enhance user experience and eliminate waiting time. Users with internet facility can now directly login to perform: - ONLINE License Reissuance, ONLINE Updates - to do

Download Alternative Download 1

System Requirements:

WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64



Last updated:

2010-11-08 09:36:27


PC Mart Sdn Bhd


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