
SignGen is a program that generates a unique electronic signature block that can be used to stamp a word document, e-mail or other electronic media as a valid document that requires to be formally authenticated and released by the document creator.

There is a growing need for the validation of electronic documents, particularly now with legislation processes requiring that many electronically generated documents are now certified and are classified as legally binding correspondence. The need to insert into documents a proof of originator is now essential for the protection of the document creator and for the assurance of the document recipient.

SignGen is a program that generates a unique electronic signature block that can be used to stamp a word document, e-mail or other electronic media as a valid document that requires to be formally authenticated and released by the document creator.

Example of a Signature block Created by SignGen

This is an electronically validated unique Certificate


Released by : Garry J. Smith

Position : Manager


Certified by: Registry

Date issued : 7/09/01 9:34:57 PM

Correspondence with this Certificate can be classed as Authenticated

The principles used by SignGen are similar to the PKI standards of a Public and Private key being used to identify the user and a unique transaction key generated on behalf of that user for stamping within their document.

SignGen also provides a simple Electronic File management system for recording all physical files within your registry and allows documents to be electronically assigned to those files.

SignGen is a fast and simple to use program that will provide the tools to validate and authenticate any document.

SignGen is developed in Microsoft Access 2000 and is a fully compliant SQL data solution. This solution can reside on a server and provide rapid multiple user access.

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System Requirements:

Win95, Win98, WinME, Windows2000



Last updated:

2010-05-06 04:17:29



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